Monday, 16 January 2012

What exactly is a fighting game scene?

Something I was thinking about when making a reply on Neo Empire where I was proper angry about the following post:

"If Soul Calibur manz don't go to this event, I have no faith in the SCV scene.
I mean you get free shit if you go.

How can you pass that up?"

I was going to reply with the following:

"Not everyone can go to every event that has Soul Calibur (or any game for that matter) and saying that you have no faith in the scene is damn outrageous. If everyone can go to every event then fine but this is reality where people miss some whether it is location, money, clashes, etc. Anyway, this game is getting a lot of great reception where new faces (including myself) are appearing to make the scene. A scene is not just there out of nowhere, it has to be created."

Then I thought to myself as I was typing out the last bit, what exactly is a 'scene' in fighting games? Is it the number of people who play it competitively? Is it the people who talk about it frequently? Or is it simply something as simple as the number of people that has tried it?

I'm curious on what people call a 'scene' so please leave a reply either on here or on my Twitter and I'll make a little compilation of what people's ideas are.


P.S. I do not intend on exposing anyone so if you do find the actual post of the quote, don't mention me if you are going to talk to him about it.

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